Enrolment and Parent Payment Information
2026 Prep Enrolments
We will commence running tours for the Prep 2026 intake on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9.15am the week beginning 17th February 2025. Tours are limited to five parties, so bookings are essential. To book a tour, please call the Junior Campus office on 9596 8550. We look forward to showing you around our amazing school and answering any questions that you might have.
Our school follows the Department of Education's Enrolment
Policy for the enrolment, placement, and transfer of students.
Every child is guaranteed a place at their designated
neighbourhood school (or local school). Families may seek
enrolment for their child at a school that is not their local
school and should be enrolled if that school has sufficient
accommodation. To find out whether you live in-zone, visit
To support each child's right to attend their local school and to
make sure the priority order of placement is followed in our
school zone, we may need to verify a child's permanent
residence. This can occur for both in-zone and out-of-zone
children, either before an offer of enrolment or placement is
made, or as a condition of the offer.
You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Prep 2026 at
Gardenvale Primary School from 22 April 2025.
What you need to do:
1. Contact our school on 9596 8550 to book a school tour
or to learn more about our school and the enrolment
application process. School tours commence on Tuesday
and Thursday mornings at 9.15am the week beginning
17th February 2025. School tours will finish on the 4th July 2025.
2. Download the Prep enrolment information pack from Enrolling in Prep (available from 22nd April
2025). This pack includes an application form, which you can also request from our school.
3. Submit an Enrolment Form (In Zone) or Application Form (Out of Zone) by Friday 25th July 2025.
4. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by Friday 8th August 2025. If you receive an enrolment offer, you
should contact our school to accept the offer by Friday 22nd August 2025.
5. Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2025.
6. Prepare your child to start Prep from Wednesday 28th January 2026. Further Enrolment Information will be
uploaded to our website when available on the 22nd April 2025.
Enrolment applications submitted after 25th July 2025 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with
the department's Placement Policy.
Student Enrolment Form (for in zone enrolment and sibling enrolment)
Student Application Form (for out of zone enrolment)
Privacy Policy (DET link)
Privacy Collection Statement (PDF)
To enrol in Prep in a school in Victoria, your child must turn 5 by April 30th in their first year of school. Gardenvale Primary
School currently has an enrolment of approximately 600+ students over two campuses.
Financial Information for Parents
Gardenvale Primary School offers a comprehensive education program which aims to deliver engaging learning outcomes for all students. While the Department of Education and Training funds a standard curriculum program, many of the highly valued programs and resources provided by our school go above and beyond this funding and could not be provided without the financial support of parents.
In order to maintain and enhance high quality teaching and learning programs and resources, School Council has approved the following 2025 parent payment charges. Gardenvale Primary School makes every effort to keep the cost of items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents.
Gardenvale Primary School offers flexible payment plans which provide parents with a number of instalment options and various ways to pay e.g. the school Compass App, Credit Card, Cash or Cheque. Records of payments, contributions and any outstanding payments will remain confidential. Invoices for unpaid Essential Student Learning items are generated and distributed on a regular basis but not more than once a month.
Current and detailed account information will be provided to parents and will be available on our website.
GPS Parent Payment Arrangement 2025 (PDF)
GPS Stationery Packs
Payment Methods
Parent payments and contributions are currently made via Compass app which is free.
Compass saves you time by
allowing you to pay for school items directly from your phone
reduces the need for your child to bring cash to school
Click here for Compass Parent's Guide to Billing
The office will receive a generated report detailing your school payments. Orders will be generated separately for the Uniform Shop and will be filled accordingly.
Should you have any questions regarding the use of Compass app, please contact the Senior School office. We hope you enjoy this new flexibility in managing your school payments.
Financial Support For Families
Gardenvale Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:
The school’s second–hand uniform shop
State Schools Relief Fund (SSRF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
For a confidential discussion about accessing these services, or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements, please contact:
Maree Prosser – Business Manager – Phone: 03 9596 2871
Financial Refunds
Gardenvale Primary School will consider requests for partial or full refunds of payments made by parents on a case-by-case basis taking into account the individual circumstances. Generally we will not be able to refund payments made for items purchased or costs that have already been paid where those funds have already been transferred to a third party. For example, camp costs when a child becomes unwell and cannot attend in circumstances where the payment has already been made or committed to a third party and no refund is available to the school. Where possible, we will make this clear to parents at the time of payment. ​