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Our Students

At Gardenvale Primary School, the voice of all students – Year Prep to Year Six - is valued and actively promoted. As a school community we respect, believe in and encourage our learners to have input into learning, teaching and the decisions of our school. 


Providing opportunities for students to develop a sense of leadership, belonging and connection is integral to providing a learning environment that is engaging, challenging, relevant and significant.


At Gardenvale Primary School, building the capacity of, and enabling and empowering students as leaders is fundamental to who we are as a school and our vision for our learners in the future. It is recognised that all students are, and have the capacity to be leaders and are encouraged to use their personal qualities to take on various roles to maximise their potential. Leadership roles are not defined by or limited to labelled positions of responsibility.


Student leadership roles challenge individuals to develop a sense of vision and purpose as they take on responsibilities and use decision making skills in order to carry a project through to a successful conclusion. They develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills including communication, negotiation, team work and reflection. Students are given opportunities to develop the skills of active, reflective listeners who respond effectively as they work with others to determine and achieve collective goals. Embedded in our extra-curricular program are formalised student leadership roles.


The primary leadership roles are School Captains and House Captains. Other roles of responsibility for students include class members of the Student Representative Council, Music Captains, Visual Arts Captains, Environmental Captains, ICT Captains and Library monitors. Senior students also participate in the Peer Mediation Program which is based on the Junior School Campus.


Leadership Responsibilities

School Captains are leaders of the student leadership team who support the school's leaders (Principal, Assistant Principal, Leading Teachers and Team Leaders) in delivering the school mission and vision. They develop student presence and voice within the school community and lead the student community in demonstrating citizenship throughout the school and across the wider community.


School Captains

•  Work as leadership liaison between SRC, school council and teacher leadership by meeting with the School Council,                Principal and Assistant Principal at least once per term to deliver a progress report on SRC and other student lead activities,        and to receive advice from these groups.

 • Act as student leadership representatives at events such as assemblies, whole school events and events where GVPS is                represented to the wider community.

 • Conduct tours of the school for special guests. 

 • Attend and represent the school at extra-curricular events (e.g. concerts, award.nights, ANZAC ceremony) and other events        that may arise during the year as advised by the Principal/AP.


School House Captains

The purpose of school and house captains at Gardenvale Primary School is to foster and develop formal leadership skills and to provide opportunities for students to take an active role within the school and wider community. They model and embody our school values and are representatives of our school and the student voice.


House Captains and Vice Captains are sports leaders who assist to organise their team, sports equipment and build positive team spirit, attitudes and efforts, they:


• Assist PE teacher and house teachers prepare and organise school sport carnivals and activities e.g. swimming carnival,           Athletics carnival, cross country

• Help run the sports carnivals

• Encourage and promote participation in sports carnivals

• Provide a sport report for the school newsletter

• Assist 5/6 teachers prepare for and coordinate weekly sports sessions

• Run the Playground Games training sessions half a lunch time a week in terms two and three.


The program involves the senior students organising and running physical activities for the younger students half a lunch time a week. They work with a rotation of small groups who then share the skills or strategies with their classmates.

Student Representative Council.


Student Representative Council

The purpose of our SRC is to build student agency so that the students collectively take initiative as global learners and leaders and they develop strong connections with peers, students and community members. In the process, they will develop their capacity as leaders and their sense of responsibility and commitment in making positive contributions to our local and global community. Junior School Council members provide a report at School Council.


Student Consultation & Feedback 

Embedded within our processes for decision making are opportunities for students at Gardenvale Primary School to have input into, provide feedback for, and give voice and opinions to various aspects across the school. This includes consultation and feedback at a whole school level, team level and within the classroom.


Year 6 Peer Mediation Program

The purpose of the Peer Mediation Program is to display the qualities of a leader and participate in leadership opportunities within the school community. The Peer Support Program. Consists of leadership training for senior primary school students and peer led sessions. These are formally structured sessions with comprehensive instructions.

Senior students undergo intensive leadership training over 2 days. This is facilitated by teaching staff who are trained in the implementation of the program.


Student voice

At Gardenvale Primary school, we believe that finding opportunities to enhance student voice, agency and leadership will improve student engagement, wellbeing and achievement outcomes. Students from Prep to Year 6 have a say in what they learn, how they learn and how they will be assessed.


Teachers are skilled in planning learning experiences that engage students through their own interests, while still addressing student needs, skills, dispositions and relevant curriculum standards. We believe that learning requires purpose, context, and audience to ensure students are empowered, take ownership, make connections and most importantly, develop resilience and become invested in their learning.



Senior Campus               03 9596 2871

Junior Campus               03 9596 8550

Email Us     


The GVPS community would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land our school is on, the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, where we meet, learn and play. We pay our respects to their elders past and present. This land always was and always will be Aboriginal Land.

Website designed by Michele Jones. Built by Callan Jones

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