Our Staff
High quality professional learning is one of the cornerstones of our school. We view teaching as a dynamic profession and, as new knowledge about learning, teaching and school leadership emerges, new types of expertise and skills are required by us.
Our teachers engage in ongoing professional learning in order to continuously learn and improve what is taught, how it is taught and how learning is assessed. Through professional learning our staff keep abreast of new knowledge and use it to continually refine conceptual and pedagogical skills for improving student learning.
Our Performance and Development Framework provides for regular review of individual goals and active support in their achievement.
The school has nine high quality teaching teams (Year Prep, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Specialists and Educational Support Staff) and a number of teams aligned with the current Strategic Plan.
Our teaching and curriculum teams regularly plan and evaluate teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes, and participate in team based professional learning.
The organisation of our school remains fluid and flexible so that our staffing profile can be effectively adapted to cater for the emerging learning needs of our students.
Our Professional Learning Community:
Principal: Janine Hall
Assistant Principal: Dimi Sfetsas
Year Prep
Team Leader - Christine Gesuato, Jazmin Valentine, Marnie Houghton, Chris Yianni
Year 1
Team Leader - Peter Monotti, Judi Grossbard, Katie Ferguson, Noa Opat
Year 2
Team Leader - Nathan Grant, Caron Rosenthal, Tania Spiegel, Richelle Beitz, Chloe Ashlakoff
Year 3
Team Leader - Bridget Cooper, Cara Willis, Clem Gunstone, Tanya Kentera, Eliza Ballas
Year 4
Team Leader - Debbie Powell, Kimberley Webster, Cassandra Galinsky, Tim McRae
Year 5
Team Leader - Aviva Cohen, Nancy Merrick, Josh Hewett
Year 6
Team Leader - Amy Wilson, Holly Ife, Tyler Trevaskis
Specialist Teachers:
Japanese - Naoko Nishikawa
Visual Arts - Michele Jones / Berenice Laser
STEM - Meng Tan / Ilsa Cook
Physical Ed. - Kirsten Travis / Tim McRae
Performing Arts - Tom Pitts / Ilsa Cook
Learning Support - Lisa Sturgess / Viv Amiel
Education Support: Bronwyn Perkin, Candice Novak, Deborah Beanland, Gillian Owens, Jae Hee Lee, Justine Bradley, Kate Dennison, Placida Elusfa, Cathy Edwards, Milena Indovino, Deborah Fisher, Chisa Kojima, Kate Green, Penny Osborne, Athan Vlahogiannis and Lauren Bent.
Librarian Technician: Sharon Westwick
ICT Technical Support: Naga Koswara, Gayan Hattotuwa
Maintenance: Ross Mathieson
Administration: Maree Prosser, Angela Hazel, Sandra West, Heather Taylor and Donna Bristow